
Educated Drugdealer

A peek into the life of a pharmacy assistant
Auteur: Ellen Kruize Kok
€ 9.99
Verschenen1 nov 2022
Levertijd (NL)direct
Druk1e druk
UitgeverUitgeverij E&E
€ 9.99

‘Be kind to your pharmacist: they can kill you with just one mistake.’
A remarkable title peaks readers’ curiosity. This modern autobiography tells an entertaining true story.

Drawers full of boxes, display cases full of tubes, white coats and a mysterious atmosphere; I am talking about the pharmacy, of course.
From lotions to chickenpox to whispered questions about Viagra®, as a pharmacy assistant you see it all.
Have you always been curious to know what happens between the moment a doctor prescribes your prescription and the moment you receive the prescription? Want to read poignant, fun, juicy stories based on real-life experiences? Then you have found the right book! No romanticization, just a peek into the lives of the people on the other side of the counter.

About the author
Ellen Kruize Kok started working as a pharmacy assistant in 2005. She has been writing since 2015. Her biggest dream was to share her experiences working in a pharmacy with a broader audience, a dream that is now coming true!

Original, modern, and well written. Definitely recommended to anyone who wants to know more about what goes on behind the scenes of a pharmacy.
Klaske Bakker

A fun, spontaneous novel that reads as if you are just having a conversation. A candid story in which Ellen Kruize Kok talks about her life and her journey to becoming a pharmacy assistant.
Linda Hindriks

Ellen I can be found on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and even Twitter, sometimes.
Book: @educateddrugdealerbook
Blog: @ellensocial
Personal: @ellenkruizekok

Inkijkexemplaar (pdf)

‘Be kind to your pharmacist: they can kill you with just one mistake.’
A remarkable title peaks readers’ curiosity. This modern autobiography tells an entertaining true story.

Drawers full of boxes, display cases full of tubes, white coats and a mysterious atmosphere; I am talking about the pharmacy, of course.
From lotions to chickenpox to whispered questions about Viagra®, as a pharmacy assistant you see it all.
Have you always been curious to know what happens between the moment a doctor prescribes your prescription and the moment you receive the prescription? Want to read poignant, fun, juicy stories based on real-life experiences? Then you have found the right book! No romanticization, just a peek into the lives of the people on the other side of the counter.

About the author
Ellen Kruize Kok started working as a pharmacy assistant in 2005. She has been writing since 2015. Her biggest dream was to share her experiences working in a pharmacy with a broader audience, a dream that is now coming true!

Original, modern, and well written. Definitely recommended to anyone who wants to know more about what goes on behind the scenes of a pharmacy.
Klaske Bakker

A fun, spontaneous novel that reads as if you are just having a conversation. A candid story in which Ellen Kruize Kok talks about her life and her journey to becoming a pharmacy assistant.
Linda Hindriks

Ellen I can be found on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and even Twitter, sometimes.
Book: @educateddrugdealerbook
Blog: @ellensocial
Personal: @ellenkruizekok

Inkijkexemplaar (pdf)
€ 9.99
Verschenen1 nov 2022
Levertijd (NL)direct
Druk1e druk
UitgeverUitgeverij E&E